NFAS Statement of Authority Holder
Course Content
This course provides information on the role of the Statement of Authority Holder (formerly Quality Assurance Officer) and feedlot quality system management. Persons wishing to become a Statement of Authority Holders are advised to complete this course.
The Key Steps
- Start at the beginning of the learning resource and work your way through the chapters. There are learning tasks to be completed as you go. The learning resources are designed for you to work your way through at your own pace.
- Read each of the objectives before commencing work on the assessment tasks.
- Give it your best shot. The more you put into this self-learning program, the more you will get out of it.

What the course entails
This course is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge to becoming a Statement of Authority (SoA) Holder and obtaining your Statement of Authority Certificate. As a Statement of Authority Holder, you will have a thorough understanding of the requirements for a feedlot to be accredited under the NFAS program.
NFAS and the role of the Australian Lot Feeders' Association (ALFA).
ALFA is the peak national body for the Australian cattle feedlot industry.
It has four main roles:
Representing and promoting the views of the cattle feedlot industry.
Directing the expenditure of the grain fed cattle transaction levy.
Improving the industry through the development and delivery of standards, training, events, leadership, awards, career development and employment opportunities.
Providing membership services
ALFA undertakes the following activities:
- industry education and awareness (i.e. providing updates regarding changes in legislation, technology and best management practices through our conferences, workshops, newsletters and electronic platforms)
- developing and delivering training (e.g. certified feedlot specific training on animal welfare or the Certificate III in Feedlot Management course)
- identifying and fostering future industry leaders (e.g. Young Lot Feeder Achiever Award and sponsorship of the Australian Rural Leadership Program)
- career development (e.g. speaking at schools and Universities, scholarships to feedlot industry forced conferences)
- developing and improving industry standards and programs (e.g. Environmental Code of practice/guidelines, NFAS, CVD, MSA, NLIS) and
- recognising and encouraging industry excellence (e.g. Feedlot of the Year award, Outstanding Service to the industry award, Education medal, Safe work award, Innovation of the year award).
Course Requirements
To undertake this course, you should be employed / working in an accredited or soon to be accredited feedlot. You will need access to standard operating procedures (sop's) a quality manual and have an understanding of animal welfare requirements.
This is a self-paced learning tool that allows you to take your time and absorb the information required to be assessed as a competent person and issued with the Statement of Authority Holder certificate.